Pray to the Moon when She is round,
Luck with you will then abound,
What you seek for shall be found
On the sea or solid ground.

Monday, January 2, 2012

2012: Will Do

I have never liked New Year's or it's accompaniment of promises, vows & resolutions. 

Will Bloody Do. *
As I was wandering the deluge of New Year's themed blog parties & pages, I thought to myself, "Self, perhaps you could just make a couple of goals. You know, firm up your commitment by putting it into writing... besides, your whole bloody family reads your blog, so that kinda makes follow through inescapable... a kind of achievement-by-entrapment." After reading a few other folks' "spiritual resolutions,"many of which struck me as superficial & not particularly spiritual (at least as I understand it), I grew skeptical. Then I decided it was dumb.

My attitude was radically readjusted New Year's morning. The Changeling suffered a seizure. We were transported by ambulance to the hospital an hour away on winding, high-altitude roads, by three of the six (!) volunteer EMTs who came to our house. I sat in the little hospital's ER with the flaccid Changeling in my arms, filled with gratitude, thinking about the benevolent & attentive hospital staff, marveling at the kindness of the emergency crew. I was taken back to March, the Changeling's arrival... Then to my desire to pay it forward.

I decided that perhaps carefully considered & conceived spiritual goals are a worthy endeavour (for me) -- if they have depth, if they reach beyond 'I want to dabble in the Dark Arts this year' or, 'I am going to brush up on my I Ching.' If I am going to opt-in to the New Year's claptrap, (experimentally, of course) it had better be worthwhile. So, for myself & the universe, I cease the ramble & commit my aspirations to writing:

  1. I will seek more occasions to "pay it forward" by being open to opportunities to serve & give of myself, my talents & my assets (be they material or otherwise). Why? Because in serving others, my communities, my fellow humans & non-human brethren I honour my values, model them to my children & live in service to the gods.
  2. I will strive to have all my actions always be a reflection of my values, to live in deference to Nature & its immanent divinity. Why? Because this is how I can best live faithfully to my beliefs, model them to my children & live in service to the gods. As a modern human, I realize that this will not be an easy task & perfection is impossible. I hope that by making this a goal, I can bring it to the forefront of my consciousness, guiding my decisions & activities.
  3. I will take time to study an area of religion/spirituality that is outside my comfort zone. Why? This goal supports my belief in tolerance. Without understanding, rash judgement, assumptions & misconceptions can become barriers to discourse, meaningful relationships, peace & general harmoniousness (which I realize is a long way off). Understanding others is also a pathway to better understanding myself.
  4. I will begin the process of finding formal training/classes/mentorship whether this be through personal connections, coursework, correspondence or other interpersonal formats. Why? The well-read are just that; well-read. Being well-rounded is what I believe will help widen & enrich my spiritual horizons. I seek to be well-rounded because it will help me better attend to goals 1-3.  
  5. Finally, I will complete my Mushroom Hatred Remediation Program. Not that this needs to be a goal -- it was going to happen anyway -- but this s a good place to put an extra fire under my seat. Why? Well... go back & read the posts.

*Maria Germanova as The Witch in The Blue Bird of Moscow Art Theatre, 1908. Image courtesy Wikimedia Commons. (However, I discovered the image at a favourite blog site, A Polar Bear's Tale.)

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