Pray to the Moon when She is round,
Luck with you will then abound,
What you seek for shall be found
On the sea or solid ground.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Seven Days of Birthday: Day Three & Day Four

Doing some catch up today, seeing I opened birthday gift day six today. Hubby has done a damn fine job w/his lunch-money driven "Seven Days of Birthday Project."

Day three's birthday gift day three is one of those difficult-to-believe-it-is-natural items & offers a perfect segue into a fungi I met this summer but haven't had the chance to share yet.

Botryoidal Lepidolite.
Botryoidal Lepidolite. Hubby reports that it is helpful for clearing/cancelling computer radiation (think that's a hint?) & also beneficial for the ears, nose & throat. I think it is just bewitching & recalls to me a very special fungi I met this summer...

Mystery Jelly.

Do I know what this otherworldly jelly is? No. Did I scour my fieldbooks & the internet in vain? Yep.

And just look what happens to it when your five-year-old touches it:

Poor thing.

Continuing with the silhouette & the difficult to believe theme is day four's gift:

Locally hand made, ass-kickin' chocolates that force you right out of your comfort zone. Hubby spared me the anchovy, salmon & garlic varieties, but there is plenty of adventure in this box, including the orange-topped "Golden Goat": a very special blend of goat cheese & dark chocolate ganache with a "zing of organic goldenberry."

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