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Image appreciatively poached from the Open Gyre. |
I have been having this conversation in my head.
I have been having this conversation in my heart.
I have been having this conversation with my beloved kindreds.
And this current stint here in the sprawling majesty of the Desert continually reaffirms this sentiment.
No matter how I approach this concept, there is only one inevitable conclusion: IT is a Poly-All.
Just Look at the breadth of diversity of all things in this incredible, vast Universe! I gasp!
Inner Space, Outer Space, both reaching, reaching, reaching ad infinitum with endless variations we can scarcely imagine.
"There is a place with four suns in the sky — red, white, blue, and yellow; two of them are so close together that they touch, and star-stuff flows between them. I know of a world with a million moons. I know of a sun the size of the Earth — and made of diamond. There are atomic nuclei a few miles across which rotate thirty times a second. There are tiny grains between the stars, with the size and atomic composition of bacteria. There are stars leaving the Milky Way, and immense gas clouds falling into it. There are turbulent plasmas writhing with X- and gamma-rays and mighty stellar explosions. There are, perhaps, places which are outside our universe. The universe is vast and awesome, and for the first time we are becoming a part of it." -- Carl Sagan, Planetary Exploration
How can there reasonably be only One-Big-Beardy with a plan -- a plan which tends to the smallest details of our human lives?
This shit takes a team.
I imagine the layers of the Unseen are as magnificently complex, diverse & interlaced as those with which we interface daily being living organisms on our delicately balanced planet.
I believe it is best to give credit to all the varied, beautiful & essential Parts of the System rather than try to mono-simplify things for the convenience & security of my little mammalian brain.
As the Other-sides of Everything, the Spirits are equally diverse, "big" & "small." Our awareness can appreciate a scant few in the Great Scale of the Universe, but none of Them are truly knowable. So we Love them as we can, from our human frameworks & proclivities.
And if you dig Big Beardy, this is a good thing. But I say it is folly to think for a moment that he is the only One.
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Theism digram by Moma Fauna. |
Carl Sagan smoked so much weed it was *ridiculous.* But even without the help of plant allies, anyone -- with just a little time and practice -- can see the universe as we do. If only they would let go a little, step to the edge, and breathe. It is so sad that so many people cling to the railing instead of stepping to the edge and peering into the vastness! (And by the way, "Big Beardy" -- HAHAHAHA!)
But I'd go one step further.
The ouroboros is endless repetition, continuous cycles. Seems to me, we should admit the possibility of escape. Maybe we should aspire to someday move into an even greater and more expansive circle.
I think that's what the caduceus is -- the snake sliced in half and wrapped around the escape route that runs up the middle. At least I'd like to think so!
Your posts always make me think Moma!
I feel it too!
Mmm... I didn't know that about Sagan, but it certainly explains how easily he could wax 'cosmic' with such colour & eloquence. ;)
Oh that Big Beardy... I wish I could give credit where it is due to the person who said it in passing years ago, but I can't recall the source. However, I have firmly claimed it for my own use.
It's funny, many people share your thoughts on 'escape' or moving on, but I suppose I must be too comfortable or something because I don't mind the idea of being recycled ad infinitum. However, I do like your thoughts on moving into another or other circles as opposed to just reaching an endpoint as many other people imagine.
Your take on the caudecus is fabulous. You know how kids will just skip over something they sense will be 'too hard'? This is what the caudecus has always done to me. I look at it, admire and want to ruminate & then I get that feeling. Thank you for handing me something accessible.
I always love your thoughts on everything -- you have a down to earth unconventionality I can really grasp and embrace. :)
You *know* I thought of you as I wrote this. ;)
You *know* I thought of you as I wrote this. ;)
Thanks Moma! <> So you didn't invent "Big Beardy?" Well, it's so YOU!
Amen ;-)
If there's anything Sagan's hymn says to me more than anything it's a need to acknowledge the limits of my ability to intuit let alone know. But where fools venture... my take is very much one that we can look at everything from different scales and groupings. Affirming the Many and the One isn't reductive to my mind, especially when the One is probably without circumference. Closer to home - take away the bacteria from my gut and maybe I'd cease to exist, but our symbiosis doesn't negate the possibility of affirming me as a single being too rather than a symbiotic complex. But of course I write from increasingly ungodded Western Europe, whereas you have a whole other context to deal with where affirming the One side of the One-Many gets co-opted to Big Beardy's game.
And the One side for me isn't like when you mix up different paints and just get all brown paint. It's more like a party where everyone is dancing and spinning in different directions and groups and styles but still there is a sense of all being part of a single Being-together. Every dancer's pivot being in a way the same pivot ... (The up the middle of the caduceus?)
On the 'escape' thing, for what it's worth, the Dharma I've been transmitted sees time as cosynchronous, and those who 'go out' as simultaneously 'returning' to aid others, and the distinction between 'this shore and the other' as more a line created by the eye than of ultimate fact.
Guilty as charged -- it's totally me. I admit it. But I do like to give credit where it's due. Since I can't, I usually just run with it, as with scissors. ;)
Guilty as charged -- it's totally me. I admit it. But I do like to give credit where it's due. Since I can't, I usually just run with it, as with scissors. ;)
Ah, you. You are so obviously at fault for some of this...
"Affirming the Many and the One isn't reductive to my mind, especially when the One is probably without circumference." *Without circumference* Love! But that's the SOUP, no?
"...but our symbiosis doesn't negate the possibility of affirming me as a single being too rather than a symbiotic complex." Get out of my head. Really, you're my freaky other half or something. This is on my hit list for Poly-All-In writing. I have been thinking alot lately about some articles by Stephen J. Gould on colonies and organisms and where we draw the line...
"...affirming the One side of the One-Many gets co-opted to Big Beardy's game... *snort* I'm going to bite my tongue.
You guys and your caudecus. Here I am looking adoringly at the ouroboros. It's round and has a gaping hole in the centre. It cycles and recycles. You have this eye to the active, linear serpents scaling a pole... Any wonder that like attracts like? :P
I like your dancing analogy. Go figure. And your sense of time which, if I understand you correctly, is not unlike my own.
Ah, you. You are so obviously at fault for some of this...
"Affirming the Many and the One isn't reductive to my mind, especially when the One is probably without circumference." *Without circumference* Love! But that's the SOUP, no?
"...but our symbiosis doesn't negate the possibility of affirming me as a single being too rather than a symbiotic complex." Get out of my head. Really, you're my freaky other half or something. This is on my hit list for Poly-All-In writing. I have been thinking alot lately about some articles by Stephen J. Gould on colonies and organisms and where we draw the line...
"...affirming the One side of the One-Many gets co-opted to Big Beardy's game... *snort* I'm going to bite my tongue.
You guys and your caudecus. Here I am looking adoringly at the ouroboros. It's round and has a gaping hole in the centre. It cycles and recycles. You have this eye to the active, linear serpents scaling a pole... Any wonder that like attracts like? :P
I like your dancing analogy. Go figure. And your sense of time which, if I understand you correctly, is not unlike my own.
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