Pray to the Moon when She is round,
Luck with you will then abound,
What you seek for shall be found
On the sea or solid ground.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Working It: Antidepressant Talisman (A Wee Bit 'O Sciento-Magick)

Antidepressant Talisman: greenhouse waxing work.
Antidepressant Talisman: greenhouse waxing work.

I have been jotting notes about why I prefer to just "make it up" & have amassed a very long list of reasons which perhaps someday, I will find a moment to put to print. In the meantime:

"Sciento-magick" is part of making-it-up & I realized that I have not mentioned it in my writing for a very long time. This waxing Moon "Antidepressant Talisman," typifies my "magickal style" (if there is such a thing). It perfectly exemplifies the layers upon which I like to base my spellwork. In this particular case, a nod to the "hard sciences" is offered up by the presence of the neurotransmitters (serotonin, dopamine & norepinephrine), the softer sciences are represented by the cognitive action of affirmation & personally meaningful symbolism. Locating the behemoth in the greenhouse is like placing it in an amplifier -- besides, it's a great place to "cultivate" more serotonin. Identity symbology -- sigils & personal talismans -- plus some concise & memorable verbiage fall into the more "traditional" magickal operating procedures... & of course, we all know is so much better if it is all contained in a circle & written in Latin. Or something.

Keep the tools & whatnot simple & intuitive, I say. Those homegrown magick workers in the Ozarks or Haiti don't spent gobs of money paying someone on the internet for "expertly charged magickal chalks" or anything else, for that matter. (Although, those that buy such things might find themselves expertly charged for them!) Especially if the work is for you, or a household member, work with what you have, what is in your home & of your home. The children's sidewalk chalk? Helvella yes! Those children give me the greatest joy! (They also give me juicy oxytocin doses.) Their chalk for this talisman makes the utmost sense. 

I also find that efficacy is increased in large degree by a knowledgeable advisor...

An oxytocin advisor: among the very best.
An oxytocin advisor: among the very best.

1 comment:

Moma Fauna said...

"... have a bit of problem perceiving and internalizing so much though, that is proper and institutionalized, and handed down so final, you know, like doing something because it's always been done, or rituals..." Me too. I just have to figure it out for myself. I often *begin* with something more traditional, but it always seems to quickly evolve into something much more personal & relevant. It might but "all wrong" to some, but I find the approach quite satisfying. I suppose I am trying to work from an "artful" model & although sometimes there are some basic principles which art *can* follow, it does not have to in order to be sincere and expressive.

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