Pray to the Moon when She is round,
Luck with you will then abound,
What you seek for shall be found
On the sea or solid ground.

Monday, November 26, 2012

For the Files: A Dream -- Swimming with Fire

I am taking a moment to record a dream I had last night during that thin, vibrant, active dream period just before falling into deep sleep. Some dream experts say this is one of the best times to practice lucid dreaming. I always find myself too mentally disorganized to utilize that particular window of opportunity to practice lucid dreaming, but last night I was disrupted out of pre-sleep long enough to recall the imagery. I don't really have any thoughts on what it meant, though I have no doubt it holds some meaning. Mostly, I found it very reassuring, so I save it here, for the files.

I was swimming in a very slowly moving stream which was wide, relatively deep & very clear. The ambient light was quite bright & could see the stones at bottom; very large, red, brown & orange cobbles, some with algal growth on them. I was very comfortable & relaxed. I wore a plain white gown, or shift. I swam upstream underwater effortlessly & without need to rise to the surface for air. As I swam, I held my (right?) arm extended before me & in my hand I held a (red?) candle, burning bright.

All the elements except air. Interesting. 


Judy said...

If you had noticed the air temperature as suitable for swimming, the dream would have encompassed the element of air also...

Moma Fauna said...

You are so right! But, oddly, I do not recall ever entering the water. I was just there & never entered or exited it...

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